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Living in Sevilla

La Plaza de España
La Plaza de España

Wow! I can’t believe I’m now living with a host family. Moving in to the family was definitely the moment from where I became more than just a tourist, but someone living in Sevilla.

I’m loving my host mom Cristina so far! She’s so sweet and adorable, and an excellent cook (We call her “la reina de la cocina” (queen of the kitchen) because a previous homestay student bought her an apron that says that.). She’s always telling us a million stories (even though we don’t understand half of it) or showing us photos of her nephews or different things that past homestays have gotten her. You can tell that she really loves hosting American students!

I’m so glad that through my study abroad program, we had to live in a homestay. It’s such a great way to get immersed in the culture, and definitely a great way to practice Spanish – even after one day, I already began feeling better about my Spanish skills! If you plan to study abroad and get the option of living with a host family, I highly recommend it!

Classes for us begin Monday – just a language and culture class for now until the Sevilla universities begin classes later in December. I look forward to strengthening my Spanish and learning more about the culture in the coming weeks through my classes and also a few class field trips to the following places: Catedral de Sevilla, Itálica, Reales Alcázares de Sevilla, Mercado de la Encarnación y Metropol Parasol, and Córdoba y Málaga.


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