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Thailand Travel Vaccinations

Before traveling anywhere, it’s always good to check into any health-related concerns and vaccines you might want to get. Don’t get too carried away looking into the fun things and forget about protecting your health. Here are some tips to get started.

Be sure to look early enough.

My Thailand trip is a little over two months away, but when I reached out to my doctor about this, she said I was “cutting it close.” With that in mind, I made an appointment as soon as possible to meet with someone locally.

Check the CDC website.

No matter where you’re going, the CDC website is always the best place to look. It has the most reliable and up-to-date information.

But which vaccines do I actually need?

The CDC website, while helpful, is very thorough, and it can be confusing. After meeting with a health professional, I now better understand what’s really needed for Thailand. As of now (March 2017), you really only need your routine vaccines as well as vaccines for Hepatitis A and Typhoid. There’s a whole list of other things you could get vaccinated for, but really the cases are so rare that many recommend that you just take precautions not to be bitten by mosquitos and that you be sure to eat well-cooked foods and foods that haven’t been washed in water.

Bring medicine in case you get sick.

While I met with the nurse, she asked me if I wanted to get a prescription for an antibiotic for “Traveler’s Diarrhea” just in case. It can be pretty easy to get sick while traveling due to lower sanitation standards combined with stress from travel, so I said yes. Here are some tips for staying healthy and avoiding sickness.

I’m no doctor by any means, but I hope these tips are helpful based off my experience as I prepare for Thailand.

Do you have any tips on Thailand travel vaccinations or on preventing illness while traveling? Please share below.

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