6 Dessert Spots in Sevilla

While studying abroad in Sevilla, Spain for a semester in college, I lived with a host
family, which meant I ate all my meals with them and didn’t eat much food around the city. That being said, I didn’t let that keep me back from indulging my sweet tooth, and Sevilla has so many good desserts! Here are my favorites:


Ice Cream

I don’t know what it is about this ice cream, but it’s amazing! It was definitely my #1 go to dessert in Sevilla. They have so many flavors, and it’s pretty cheap. It’s the perfect stop after checking out Las Setas (the giant modern mushroom-looking art) on a hot day.

Dulce Regina


Dulce Regina is another great dessert spot in Sevilla. Their cookies are some of the freshest I’ve ever had. To get there, meander down a cute narrow street (Calle Regina) pastLast Setas. Grab one or a dozen!

Dessert in Sevilla: churros on a plate with five mugs of chocolate on a table
Chocolate con churros from the Chocolatería Virgen de Luján in Sevilla, Spain’s Los Remedios neighborhood. YUM!

Chocolatería Virgen de Luján

Chocolate con Churros

You can’t go to Spain without getting chocolate con churros, and this chocolatería has some of the best in the city. While located in the Los Remedios neighborhood, it’s a little farther from some of the main parts of the city. I often used one of the city’s bike share bikes to get down to it. You could also pair your dessert stop with a visit to La Triana, a nearby neighborhood known for selling Sevilla’s signature painted ceramics.

Croissant on a plate and a mug filled with coffee
A croissant and a cafe con leech from La Campana in Sevilla, Spain.

Confitería La Campana

ALL of the Desserts!

La Campana is probably the most well known dessert spot in Sevilla. Grab a treat, sit at one of their outdoor tables, and take in the surrounding sites. Follow your visit with some shopping on the pedestrian-only Calle Sierpes.

Chocolate y Límon

Ice Cream

If you love ice cream as much as I do, you might also like to check out Chocolate y Límon, a smaller ice cream shop located in the middle of Santa Cruz/the old town area. Grab a cone and get lost through the winding streets!



Y’all I am not even kidding with this one. Outside of the U.S., I find that McDonald’s is often significantly better. The McCafes in Spain are full of great desserts, and my favorite are their macaroons, which they sell at only one euro each!

If you’re traveling to Spain and want more food tips, check out my Spanish Food and Drink Guide, which details when to eat, popular foods, drinks, and regional food recommendations.

What are your favorite desserts in Sevilla, Spain, or Europe? Please share in the comments below!

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Churros on a plate with mugs of chocolate and text that reads "6 Dessert Spots in Sevilla" and "The Unanchored Passenger"